Tuesday, April 1, 2014

New Album, May 2014. Taking Pre-Orders Now!

New Album Release May 2014
Neue CD-Release!
नई सीडी रिलीज!
Nouveaux CD!
Taking Pre-Orders Now

You are cordially invited to help save an endangered species—soon to become extinct: the recording artist (in particular, me). Just as ‘video killed the radio star,’ Internet has all but killed the recording artist and high fidelity audio. Between illegal downloading, streaming, piracy, the decline in CD sales, Youtube and other free sites like soundcloud, revenue can only be generated by playing ‘live.’ Recording artists-- especially independent ones-- and the album as an art form are becoming extinct. With MP-3s and streaming (and the ubiquitous ‘earbuds’) high quality audio is no longer deemed important.

I am soliciting Pre-orders for my forthcoming CD, a limited pressing to be released sometime in May. To help to defray the costs of having the CD replicated and professionally mastered, and the cover designed, I am taking pre-orders. I contemplated ‘crowd funding,’ but in order to be successful one needs a crowd, and the whole business makes me rather queasy. I am independent, and I fund my musical projects 100% (with the help of credit cards). Visa loves me.

The CD is a collection of 15 tracks, part of an ‘opera’ I have been toying with for a few years. It is an album, NOT a collection of singles. The material is a potpourri of musical styles, including: techno-pop/funk, ambient, jazz, experimental, electronica, classical, world, psychedelic, rock, etc. (my usual mélange). The tracks were recorded, produced and mixed by me in my studio, and I have been fortunate to obtain the services of one of the leading mastering engineers in the world, Pete Maher in London. Pete has mastered, among others, U2, Nine Inch Nails, Depeche Mode, Patti Smith, The Rolling Stones, etc. High quality audio is of paramount importance. I have also hooked up with an up-and-coming Korean illustrator/cartoonist, Juyong Lee, who will create the cover art.

I have several options available for pre-order, from a standard CD in shrink wrap, up to a 24-bit .WAV file of the album burned by me directly from the final master.  Details follow.

Help save a recording artist and the album as an art form. Thank you for your consideration.

Lee Negin

                                                             Options for Pre-Ordering New Album

                                           All Prices in USD (US Dollars), including shipping and handling world-wide *


A. Standard CD, shrink-wrapped………….. $15.00

B. Numbered and Signed CD in ‘slip case” with lyric sheet enclosed (a limited edition of 50)..…$25.00

C. Same as above ("B") with my CD “Wu Wei” (2 CDs). ………$30.00

D. Same as above, with  “Hungry Ghosts” (3 CDs)… $40.00

E. Same as above with “Reflections of Waking Dreams” (4 CDs). …$50.00

F. A 24-bit .WAV file of the CD made directly from the original master, burned by me, signed with lyric sheet and a copy of the standard CD.. …$100.00

  • This is by standard ‘airmail.’ If you’d like expedited service with tracking number, let me know—additional fees applied.

Ordering Details  

For Korean customers, direct bank transfer to:

Negin Lee Alan,  Shinhan Bank, Act. Number 110-224-355129

Korean customers: Change the dollar amount to Korean Won (so, for example, $15.00 would be 15,000 Won)

For international customers (all denominations accepted, including  Euros, UK Pounds, Japanese Yen, etc.): Two options:

PayPal  taronatto@aim.com

Or bank transfer. If you want to use bank transfer, contact me and I will give you the necessary information.

To order: Send me an email to passingphasemusic@gmail.com with your order (which option(s) and quantity) and your shipping address. Next, transfer the money. I will contact you upon receipt. When the CD is ready to ship (in May), I will contact you by email and let you know the shipping date to you.

If you have any questions, please contact me at passingphasemusic@gmail.com


제가 서울 스튜디오에서 직접 녹음, 믹싱하여 제작한 새로운 CD를 한정적으로 선주문 받으려고 합니다.

이 번 앨범에 담진 14개의 트랙은 오페라처럼 하나의 주제로 이어져 있으며 techno-pop/funk, ambient, jazz, experimental, classical, world, psychedelic, rock등의 음악장르가 믹스되어 있습니다. 이번 앨범에 특별한 점이 있다면 U2, Nine Inch Nails, Depeche Mode, Patti Smith, The Rolling Stones 등의 유명 밴드의 음악을 마스터링 한 런던의 Pete Maher가 마스터 엔지니어로 참여하였습니다. 또한 CD 커버 디자인은 한국의 떠오르는 신진작가인 이주용(일러스트레이터/만화가)씨가 맡아주었습니다.
저는 독립아티스트로서 제 개인 사비로 음반을 제작하고 있습니다. 여러분의 선주문(후원)을 받아 음반 제작비로 사용하려고 합니다.
음반 구매는 선택에 따라 Standard CD부터 24비트,WAV파일CD까지 구매 가능합니다.
가격 및 자세한 사항은 http://leenegin.com에서 확인 바랍니다.

Lee Negin

                                                                               CD 선주문 방법
                                                                 화폐단위는 (Won)이며 배송비 포함임
A. 스탠다드 CD ……………..15,000 원
B. 친필 싸인 CD( 재사용 가능한 케이스 및 가사집 포함, 50개 한정임)………..25,000 원
C. 2종 세트 구매: 새 음반 CD +“ Wu Wei” 음반…………………30,000원
D. 3종 세트 구매: 새 음반 + “Wu Wei” 음반 + “Hungry Ghosts” 음반 …..….40, 000원
E. 4종 세트 구매: 새 음반 + Wu Wei” 음반+ “Hungry Ghosts” 음반 +
“Reflections of Waking Dreams” 음반 …….50,000원
F. 24-bit .WAV 파일 CD (친필서명, 가사집, 스탠다드 CD 포함) ……….100, 000원

- 무통장입금
계좌번호: Negin Lee Alan, 신한은행, 110-224-355129
- 신용카드: Paypal  taronatto@aim.com
 주문방법: 제 이메일 passingphasemusic@gmail.com으로 원하는 CD종류와 수량, 배송주소를 보내주세요 → 계좌에 입금 → 입금 확인 후 이메일로 연락예정 → 5월에 일괄 배송 예정
궁금한 사항은 passingphasemusic@gmail.com 로 연락주세요.

새로운 음반이 5월에 발매예정입니다. 앨범 제작 후원을 위한 선주문을 받고 있으니
자세한 사항은 http://leenegin.com에서 확인바랍니다. 감사합니다. - Lee Negin

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